Introducing Erin, Jr. Copywriter

As the resident newbie at Winstanley, I’ve been asked to write a blog post about myself.  Not too difficult, right?  Wrong.  As a copywriter I find writing easy, but when it comes to writing about myself I cringe a little.
Not only am I new to Winstanley, I’m new to the area.  I’m even new to Massachusetts.  That’s right folks, I am a transplant.  I am fresh off of the boat from the colonial capital of the universe, also known as Williamsburg , Virginia.
Now I’m not completely out of my element up North.  I was born in Westchester County, New York and lived there until I was ten, so I do have Yankee blood running through my veins.  My family moved to Virginia about 15 years ago because of my dad’s job, and we’ve been there ever since.
Don’t get me wrong, Williamsburg is a nice place…if you’re above the age of 65 or are visiting on summer vacation.  Apart from that it’s fairly boring.  Thankfully, I was able to get away for four years during college.  I studied Creative Advertising at Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, Virginia.
I eventually got sucked back into the black hole that is Williamsburg, where I did what every college graduate does these days- I worked at a restaurant while trying to get my career off the ground. 
Two advertising internships and three long years later, I was still stuck at the restaurant.  I was on the verge of giving up my search for my dream job.  I even started to rationalize working as a restaurant manager for the rest of my life. 
That is until one fateful day when I received a random email from a random lady named Annette.  Frankly, I thought it was spam and almost deleted it.  But I continued reading and apparently she saw my work online and liked it enough to contact me.  It’s really all downhill since then.
In case you’re curious:
          Chocolate is the key to putting me in a good mood
          Blue is my favorite color.  Nearly everything I own is blue, even my car
          I’m convinced I was born in the wrong decade, solely based on my love of Bon Jovi and other 80’s music
          Bears are my favorite animals.  I don’t think they’re scary, I think they’re cuddly
It’s only my third day here at Winstanley, and so far so good.  I haven’t been hazed yet and no one has told me any crazy horror stories.  But I’m pretty sure that won’t last long!

Erin (right) is a Junior Copywriter at Winstanley Partners.

She is deathly afraid of earthworms.

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