Testing the Efficacy of ‘American-made’

In our never-ceasing search for the best ways to measure the performance of our work, we recently tried Dumbstruck, a research and analytics platform that helps advertising agencies grow through advanced video testing and optimization.

Using our clients at KN Series HVAC as a test subject, we chose two videos dedicated to the product line — one informational, one more promotional — and used the Dumbstruck platform to measure audience reception.

Early on in the campaign, we and KN embraced the idea of highlighting the line’s status as American Made. Results from the video test backed up that decision, recording the highest points of joy by those who watched the video at the times when Made in the USA was highlighted.

The graphs above help illustrate viewers’ responses to the videos; the top graph, monitoring positive emotions, recorded spikes when ‘Made in the USA’ is mentioned, as well as when the KN logo or company name is shown. The bottom graph, using eye-tracking heat map technology, further shows that more detailed aspects of the campaign, such as content that zooms in on a specific American town or city, are also well received.

The high rate of positivity associated with the KN Series logo we designed was an important take-away from a marketing perspective, in that it implies positive associations with the overall video just viewed, and more importantly, the brand as a whole.

We wanted to learn more, so we reviewed some of these results with the team at Dumbstruck — a welcome perk when considering the use of any analytics platform.

“Buying is an emotional decision said Anthony Parente, Head of Growth & Analytics at Dumbstruck. “Just making someone smile can increase intent to purchase by 80 percent, and that’s why a positive association with a brand logo is key.”

It’s not just charts and graphs that we’re able to glean from, either. The Dumbstruck platform also allows for personal comments from the targeted participants that can guide future efforts, such as the addition of background tracks or more engaging imagery, or better explanation of certain aspects of a product and its components.

Moving forward, these results translate into even more highlights to KN’s country of origin — not just in terms of where the units are made, but where they’re installed. A promotional project is already underway to highlight some of places KN Series boilers are now in use and what aspects of the community they are helping most — be it at a school, business, healthcare facility, or elsewhere. This effort joins a series of print and web ads that call attention the city where KN Series boilers are cast: Boyertown, Penn.

In this business, it’s both important and reassuring to have further proof that ideas are on the right track, and in the case of KN it’s doubly good to know the road we’re paving runs squarely through the U.S.